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    Get silence – stop snoring now!

    Discover the simple yet revolutionary solution to your snoring troubles with our Deep Sleep® mouth tape. Designed to provide you with most comfortable and snore-free sleep. With statistics revealing that one out of every three Americans snores during sleep, it's time to address this pervasive issue for the sake of our collective well-being. Let's put an end to SNORING!

    End fatigue - WAKING UP FULL ENERGY

    Deep Sleep® mouth tape promotes nasal breathing during sleep by keeping your mouth closed. This encourages a healthier airflow pattern, reducing the chances of snoring and sleep disruptions. By optimizing your nose breathing, you can enjoy deeper, more restful sleep, leading to increased energy levels upon waking.

    Be comfortable around people - NO MORE Bad Breath

    By sealing your lips with our Deep Sleep® mouth tape, it helps retain moisture in your mouth during sleep. Preserving the natural moisture levels in your mouth for fresher breath. Say NO to bad breath and be comfortable around everyone!

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Our mouth tapes are designed for everyone, but they're particularly useful for those who snore, which is often the case with men. They can help improve sleep quality and ensure a more peaceful night's rest for all.

    Yes, mouth tape can definitely help with dry mouth and morning fatigue by promoting nasal breathing during sleep. While individual experiences may differ, many have found significant benefits. Give it a try for potential positive outcomes.

    Most tape struggles to stay in place over scruff and beards, but we've designed our tape to provide a firm hold and stay securely in position.

    It's simple - by sealing your lips, you're naturally encouraged to breathe through your nose. This promotes a better and more peaceful night's sleep for both you and your partner.

    YES, it's perfectly safe. Your body is designed for nasal breathing, and it's time to embrace it.